Monday, February 7, 2011

Homework: February 7 - 11, 2011

1. Read each night.

2. Create a special Freindship Day letter for a classmate. We drew names in class and the kids know who they are creating the letter for. I've asked them to make it special by writing appreciations and kind thoughts that are as specific to their person as possible.

I'm offering materials (colored paper) to anyone who would like to take it home for use. They many also feel free to use clip art, stickers, markers, etc. This Friendship Day letter should be lengthy (most of a page), attractive, free of errors, and demonstrate a great deal of effort. This is due back this Friday.

3. A sheet will be coming home on Thursday. The kids will need to sketch and label a few different types of angles that they find in their home. This will require no more than five or ten minutes and will be due back on Monday.


Monday, 2/14 Math Angle Sheet
Friday, 2/11 Friendship Day Letter

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