Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Important Dates

As always there is a lot of things going on in these final two weeks of school. Here is a rundown.

Thursday, 5/26
Closing Picnic 6-8pm

Friday, 5/27
All materials for EPs are due in the classroom so we can work to complete these. The kids are publishing a final piece of writing that demonstrates all they can do as a departing third grade writer.We've spent between 8-10 hours on each of these projects in class. Any work left unfinished by the end of the day on Friday will be sent home to be completed over the long weekend.

Tuesday, 5/31
The kids will present their projects to one another as well as share them with one or two other classes here at CFI. I will then send them home so that they can present their projects to you. While I worked my way around the room helping those who needed it, this project is very much theirs. What you will see is a demonstration of where they are in terms of researching, writing, careful work, perseverence, etc. There will be a reflection sheet for you and your child to fill out and bring back in. The projects themselves can stay at home.

Wednesday, 6/1
We will walk our 5k. The cancellation of the district's annual walk/run really threw me for a loop. I had thought of having us incorporate a visit to CiCi's as part of our walk but after driving the route became concerned about crossing Clemson Rd as such a large group - not to mention the long walk through the Sandhills parking lot. So we're going to walk our 5k through the Summit neighborhoods. I'll have some pizzas delivered here to CFI to help us celebrate our walk. If anyone would like to join us please let me know.

Thursday, 6/2 and Friday, 6/3
These are both half-days. There will be a lot going on with 5th grade graduation as well as 5th grade appreciations. While in the classroom we'll be tying up any loose ends, cleaning and packing up, and reflecting back on our two years together. If anyone would like to stop in to say goodbye please do so before that final morning. I'd like for those final moments to be our own as we wish one another farewell for the summer and I send them off to another teacher (gulp!).

That's about all I can think of at this moment. If you have any questions let me know.

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