Monday, March 11, 2013

Newseltter: March 11, 2013

Dear Families,

I hope you had a chance to attend our final Gathering last Friday. The kids did a phenomenal job. Never before have they been so relaxed and confident in front of their peers. If you weren't able to make it in be sure to ask your child about their part.

We have six students and one MAT out today due to illness. We scrubbed down the entire classroom this morning and are working to keep our things out of our mouths. Hopefully this passes soon!

Thank you everyone for helping your children last week with the construction of their "insulators." We had great fun on Monday seeing which designs and materials worked best. After seeing what worked for others I've provided a new challenge for today: Can you keep the ice from melting over night? This will be a good opportunity to make some modifications if things didn't work out last week.

Thank you also for the thoughtful written conversations you had with your kids this week about the song "Flowers are Red." This song, while an oldie of sorts, was very new to me. I loved the message about the potential dangers of teaching (and parenting for that matter). Our class discussion centered on the fact one of the teachers worked to squash creativity and free thought while the other welcomed it. Here is a sampling from your conversations at home...

I would have him meet the second teacher first. He would feel free to draw colorful flowers and other things he saw...Why do you think the teacher always disagreed with the child? Maybe because that's how it always has been at that school and maybe it's a rule...There are two adults that are left out in this song which are the little boy's parents. If his parents were in there how would it be different?  If it were me I'd support the boy's creative side at home - even if he wasn't allowed to express it at school...The boy was so excited to draw with all the colors. By the end of the song he didn't seem to like to draw any more. Did it make you as sad as it made me?...I think the song is about how you should be able to believe whatever you want to believe...Teachers leave a great impression on children. The boy went to another school, had a nice teacher, but he still remembered what his old teacher said about how a flower's colors are supposed to be...I think it is trying to teach you to think what you want to...I feel sad she is trying to convince him that flowers are only green and red and feels because she is the teacher he should agree with her...If everyone was the same it would be a boring world because no one did anything unique...Closed minded means that someone is not open to new thoughts or ideas. The second teacher was very receptive (open to ideas) to children being creative. What if all teachers were like teacher #1? -- I would want to be home schooled!...I am glad you see the rainbow of possibilities. I want you to keep the child wonderment you can create. You can explore. Your mind can soar...I notice the teacher changed the little boy's mind in a bad way...I read somewhere that 98% of all children are born with a genius IQ but that their IQs actually lessen once a child starts school and levels off in your grade (3rd). The reasoning for this is because schools tell you what to think instead of letting kids have the freedom to express themselves...I think that this song is about how we sometimes conform to what we've heard or have been taught...It is an old recording but the message is timeless.

Finally, Mr. Chris will be taking over the teaching duties later this week. This will include two weeks of planning, teaching, newsletters, and so on. If you need anything from him please send a note in with your child. I will also ask him to send out his e-mail address to you some time soon. I will be available as well.

Have a great week!

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