Monday, October 17, 2011

Expert Project Selections

Here are the animals everyone chose for their expert projects. There are some very fun and interesting choices! Please make sure to have all NF books in the classroom on Tuesday. We'll begin researching on Wednesday.

Abrianna - zebras
Anna - cows
Ashley - polar bears
Chase - peacocks
Connor - sloths
David - wolves
Ellis - warthogs
Enock - coyotes
Erica - penguins
Grace - giraffes
Jackson - crocodiles
Jade - sharks
Jalen - cheetahs
Kohl - bobcats
Laila - earthworms
Maisy - octopus
Micah - meercats
Rachael - dolphins
Ryan - snakes
Chandler - king cobras
Trent - rhinos
Tyler - great white sharks

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