Thursday, November 17, 2011

Newsletter: Week Twelve

Dear Families,

We have had a really, really nice week this week. There were many highlights that made me stop and think “Wow, we’ve really arrived!” The kids are thinking, sharing, and reflecting like mad. Here are some highlights…

Sarah, Plain and Tall

We launched our very first literature study of the year. This is the first of a five book series that I truly love. The kids received their own copy of the book and each day they follow along as I read aloud. We use this as an opportunity to learn how to talk about literature in preparation for the launch of book clubs. One component of this work was to engage in written conversation with a classmate about the book. Here are a few excerpts:

“I think Caleb is trying to be funny to make Sarah want to stay. I also think that Sarah wants to make the home she’s at now like her own home that she came from.”/ “I agree. Probably Caleb wants a new mother/mom really badly.”/ “I also agree with you that Caleb wants a new mom. But I’m sure he misses and wishes he could have known his mom.”

“I think Sarah’s the oldest and she doesn’t like it there.”/ “I don’t really think Sarah’s the oldest even though I think she did not like it there.”

Building a conversation about literature is hard work. The natural tendency is to take turns telling something rather than building on the ideas of others. This requires careful listening and hard thinking. The kids are off to a really nice start.


We’ve been exploring different tools for measuring weight. These have included: balance scales, bathroom scales, spring scales, kitchen scales, and slide scales. We’ve used these to measure in pounds, ounces, and grams. I overheard the following conversation at the kitchen scale (which provides weights in ounces and grams) …

“The lima beans weigh 17 pounds.”

“No, I don’t think lima beans could weigh 17 pounds. That’s too much.”

A third member of the group reaches over and turns the can so that the label is facing everyone.

“Hey, these are GIANT lima beans!”

“Oh! I guess they COULD weigh 17 pounds then.”


We launched a study of the problems communities face. We started with a group discussion and then broke out into two smaller groups to continue the discussion. Two of the kids were selected to record their group’s thoughts on the board for us all to see. As they worked to create lists of challenges/people in need I was struck at how seriously both groups took their work. They sat attentively and shared out ideas as well as commented on the ideas of others. It was one of those moments that caused me to pause and consider how far these kiddos are coming. After combining the two lists, this is what we had to show for our efforts…

Poverty, crime, homelessness, abuse, rights and responsibilities, helping people that move from other countries, education, helping people with disabilities, enough food, helping the elderly, fires, stray animals, neglect, and emergencies

We’ve since read a number of books on homelessness and immigration. The kids are sharing their research into organizations that help to make our community stronger and more equitable tomorrow. From these experiences we’ll begin discussing what cause or organization we would like to support this year. Before we leave for Thanksgiving break I would like for us to have a plan for who we want to help and what types of things we might do. If you have some great ideas please pass them along with your child. The final decisions will be theirs.

Remember that Expert Project presentations are next week. We will be sharing our projects with the entire school on Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 10:45. Feel free to stop in and check them out if you have the chance.

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