Monday, March 18, 2013

Newsletter: March 18, 2013

Dear Families,

Last week seemed to be the week of the flu, as we were missing at least 2 students every day.  I had my own battle with the flu early in the week, but managed to recover in time to begin my 2 weeks of full time teaching on Wednesday.  The kids and I had a lot of fun as we continued our study into magazines, and began learning about geometry, rocks and Non-Fiction books.

This week we will have the PASS writing test on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.  Mr. Hass and I are confident all the students will do very well as they are all fantastic writers.  We worked on prompt writing for about a week to help prepare the class for the type of writing expected on the PASS test.  All the students did very well and if they take their time and do their best they will all be successful.

While I was out sick at the beginning of the week Mr. Hass worked with the class to explore magazines.  We noticed lots of great things about magazines including: table of contents, facts, graphs, comics, advertisements, and lots of articles.  We have decided to take our interest in magazines and create our own.  The class had a chance to divide up based on their interests and begin thinking about what types of articles their magazine would include.  This week we will have the chrome books in the room in the morning so we can research our articles and begin composing them.

The class and I began our investigation into rocks on Thursday of last week.  Their enthusiasm is infectious.  To help get our investigation off on the right foot we had Ed Emmer come and speak to us on Friday.  He is Richland Two’s science coordinator and a geologist by trade.  He brought in lots of rock samples for the kids to investigate and answered all of their many questions.  We had a lot of fun learning how different rocks are formed and want to give a sincere thank you to Mr. Emmer for coming in and spending the afternoon with us.

Mr. Emmer answering our questions about rocks.

A sample metamorphic rock Mr. Emmer brought in for us to investigate.

To help with our investigation into rocks and minerals I am going to ask each student to bring in 2 samples of dirt from around the house.  This could be potting soil from plants, sand from the driveway, or just regular old dirt that is around your house.  This will help us to identify the many different soils around us in South Carolina.

I am really excited to continue my full time teaching this week with the class.  If you have any questions or there is anything I can help you with please feel free to email me at

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