Dear Families,
Time is running out on us. We have only three weeks left before summer break. Over this time we'll be:
* reading and discussing the final book in the Sarah, Plain and Tall series.
* conducting one more round of book clubs.
* discussing the meaning of the chant we mindlessly recite each morning - the Pledge of Allegiance.
* learning to write each of our lower- and upper-case cursive letters.
* publishing one final piece of writing.
* organizing our writing portfolios.
* learning a few new songs and thinking about tunes we'd like to learn next year.
* exploring probability.
* beginning work on multiplication facts.
* solving math problems posed in real world scenarios.
* learning of food and nutrition differences across our community, country, and globe.
* recognizing the connection between power and global nutrition.
* learning the difference between hungry and hunger.
* mucking around to find the qualities and differences between solids, liquids, and gases.
* finishing our final read aloud - Shiloh.
This week we made a big dent in our lower-case cursive letters. We have just eight or so remaining. The kids really, really love learning cursive. Someone said yesterday, "If I could choose between recess and doing cursive all day long I'd pick cursive!" I'm not all that certain I'm loving it quite that much (all day?) but it is great to see everyone having so much fun. Their handwriting is looking better and better each day - as is mine.
I shared a news article from The State newspaper on Thursday telling how President Obama declared his support for same-sex marriage. We talked about the fact there are two schools of thought concerning marriage - one says it is for one man and one woman who love each other and the other says it is for any couple who loves each other. I didn't share my own opinion this time around but I did mention the need to talk about issues rather than avoiding them and to work toward understanding all perspectives while treating others with respect and dignity. I also shared some personal experiences I've had with friends or acquaintances being physically attacked or hiding parts of their identity for fear of being fired. A few of the kids came back in this morning and shared with me discussions they had at home about this topic. I love when the kids continue these types of discussions with you in the car or around the dinner table. As always, if you see an intriguing article of news be sure to send it in with your child to share.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
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