Monday, January 3, 2011

Homework: Week of January 3 - 7, 2011

1. Homework this week is to read each night. There is no reading log.

2. On Wednesday the kids are bringing home the plans for an experiment they have designed to test a hypothesis or question of interest to them. These experiments are a part of our exploration into motion. Some finished up these plans, others did not. Those that did not can complete it at home. They are now to conduct their experiment and create some type of log (graph, data sheet, etc) that shares the results of their experiment. There is also a spot on their experiment sheet for them to reflect on what happened. Some of the kids expressed an interest in taking photos to share with us. That is fine but not a requirement.

These are due next Wednesday. On Wednesday they need to be ready to share with us:

1. Their completed plan sheet.
2. A log of some type that shows the data they collected.
3. A brief demonstration to show us how the experiment was conducted and how data was taken

These will be presented over two days at the end of next week. Other than reading, this will be the only assignment between now and the end of next week to make sure they have plenty of time to do a great job. I would estimate that this assignment will take anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour-and-a-half depending on how they choose to record their data and share it with us.

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