Friday, August 26, 2011

Volunteering in the Classroom

I would love to have families in to help out in the classroom. Some opportunities include:

* Listening to someone read.
* Reading with someone (alternating pages)
* Participating in Book Club readings and discussions
* Reading silently alongside the kids to model our own reading
* Sharing with the kids all the types of reading you do in your daily life
* Singing songs with us

* Sitting alongside the kids during writing to offer help
* Writing alongside the kids and sharing your work
* Serving as an audience when the kids share their writing
* Typing stories from a picture book onto a word document
* Sharing with the kids how you use writing in your daily life

* Working with a small group to conduct a science experiment

* Measuring, mixing, and cooking with a small group
* Pulling a small group out into the Gathering Room for help with math

* Adding photos to the website/blog
* Scanning student work
* Sharpening pencils
* Displaying the kids' work on the walls
* Chaperoning

I'm sure there are more possibilities waiting to be discovered! If you're interested in coming in just let me know when, how regularly, and what you're interested in doing. For example: "I can come in every Tuesday morning at 10:30 and read with someone" or "I can come on Wednesday afternoons around 2:00, but not every week. I'm flexible and will do whatever needs to be done."

Remember that the kids are out of the classroom from 8:30 - 9:20 each morning for special area and again from 1:30 - 1:55 for recess.


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