Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Newsletter: January 22, 2013

Dear Families,

Here is a quick update on the work we're doing in the classroom:

Reading: We have just started a new novel. Titled The Music of Dolphins, it's about a feral child who is "rescued" and brought back to the States where a doctor uses her to study the effects of socialization and language acquisition. The conflict comes from the young girl's desire to return to the ocean to be with her dolphin family. We are reading this book together each day while working to build conversations around literature, use adjectives to describe the characters, and come to understand the concepts of protagonist and antagonist.

Writing: Our new MAT Mr. Chris helped us launch a study of memoir writing. The kids started by looking back through their writer's notebook to identify life topics they often write about. Topics ranged from family to places to friendship. In the coming days we'll work to take our ideas, develop them, and "write small" (stretching out small moments).

Math: We are beginning a study of money. During the next week or so we'll be counting money, making change, solving puzzles, finding out how money is made, and exploring the many questions the kids want answered. I'll also be introducing logic puzzles.

Social Studies: As we continue our study of the Civil War, we'll be talking about reasons for the war, Abraham Lincoln, and SC's role in the war as a Confederate state. South Carolina State Standards call for us to identify states' rights as one reason for the war. This will be put within the larger context of a war fought to maintain slavery. However, as we explore the idea of states' rights we will consider individual rights/choice as opposed to the role of government to make decisions for us. You'll see a small homework assignment come home on Wednesday dealing with issues relating to this topic.

Social Studies:

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