Friday, May 3, 2013

PASS Testing Next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

As mentioned last night, PASS testing is next week. We will be taking the reading test on Tuesday morning, the math test on Wednesday morning, and science/social studies on Thursday morning. The kids are randomly assigned either the science or the social studies test. I never know who will get what until the tests are distributed to me that very morning.

Testing generally takes a couple of hours. We'll begin by 8:45 each morning and most will be finished by 10:30. When the kids finish the test they will sit and wait for their classmates. It is okay for them to put their heads down and rest but they cannot read, write, or draw during this time. As unfair as that feels at times it is just too hard on those still working to see their classmates turning in tests and enjoying a book or drawing a picture. I want to encourage everyone to take their time, grant themselves small breaks from time to time, and do their very best.

We'll have snacks and juice each day in the form of:

Tuesday...Pancakes with strawberries/whipped cream (no syrup) and juice
Wednesday...Muffins with juice
Thursday...Banana Bread and Chex Mix with juice

We'll also have mints during the test.

This really is no-stress. As a class we'll frame PASS testing as a way to show off all we know the very best we can. We don't harp much on it at all. It is what it is (and exactly what it is is a blog post I am NOT making here). The kids will do well and we'll go about our regular routines as soon as it is over.

Please make sure to have your child here at school by 8:00 each day. This will help things to run much, much more smoothly.


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